I held you in my arms today
and cried while I hugged you.
Not because of any broken thing
nor because of anything hurtful.
I cried while you smiled,
nestled in my embrace
surrounded by warmth.
You couldn’t see it
I kept you close so you wouldn’t.
These tears were quiet,
drowned out by my heartbeat.
I held you in my arms today
and cried while I hugged you
because fullness of life came to me.
It whispered to me in a swirl of joy
and pain, healing and heartache.
It reminded me that you are changing,
growing up.
And, that I am changing,
growing old.
And this is the moment and time
that I’ve been gifted
to share with you.
You’re becoming new.
We’re becoming new.
And immediately I felt the loss
grieving the separation
of the young child I held in my arms.
And immediately I felt the joy,
those warm tears of overwhelming gladness.
That our hearts have been woven together.
Our times together will be that.
Smiling, laughing, crying.
Until separation is no more.
Until Love claims the fullness of time
and it becomes Time.
Then our souls will sing the song
with loudest gusto.
The song that our friend wrote.
“God’s got all the time in the world.”
I held you in my arms today
and cried while I hugged you.
Not because of anything broken
or hurtful
but because Love let me see a glimpse
of what is real.
And there you were
in my arms.